’Improve the lives of those who care for patients…and you will improve patient care.’
At PereraHealth, we don’t recommend that organizations just revive their old communication structures. Instead, we work with organizations and their teams to implement real-time, technology-based solutions that foster a culture of continuous communication, transparency, and trust.
PereraHealth provides services and tools for healthcare organizations to enhance their operational efficiency, effectiveness, and safety…all while preventing team member burnout, reducing leadership burden, and making healthcare organizations a better place to work.
Clinical, Business & Technology Expertise
Founded by Wendy Perera, a nurse innovator, PereraHealth strives to make a difference by bringing balanced technology, business, nurse executive and direct care clinical experience to Pererahealth advisory services and Yell’o™
Wendy gained invaluable executive expertise from renowned academic and Magnet healthcare institutions. And, during the height of the pandemic, Wendy had a unique opportunity to return to the frontlines as a Covid critical care nurse. These experiences opened her eyes to new opportunities to support healthcare organizations, their leaders, and frontline team members.
Wendy holds active RN licenses in multiple states, including CA, MA, NY, and SC Multi-State NLC, totaling RN licenses in 43 states.
Wendy is board certified as an Advanced Nurse Executive (NEA-BC) from ANCC, which is the only certification that includes principles for creating a Magnet culture within organizations wanting to give all interprofessional team members, including nurses, a voice.
Her educational background includes a BSN, MSN, and MBA with a dual focus on healthcare administration and management information systems with informatics, technology and innovation concentration.
Wendy’s professional specializations encompass innovative change management solutions, informatics optimization, telehealth, AI, robotics, predictive analytics, and the advancement of surgical and interventional procedural data science.
Wendy is known for creating strong interprofessional relationships among healthcare executives, leaders, and their frontline team members.
If you improve the work lives of those who care for your patients, you will improve your patient care.

Wendy Perera
Professional Organization Leadership
AORN eChapter
(Global International Chapter)
Serving in an elected 3-year capacity as Vice President, President, and Advisor roles
2023 – 2026
AORN National Specialty Assembly
PeriOperative Nursing Informatics, Technology & Innovation
2023 – 2025
Professional Membership
AORN Leader Member
The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses
AACN Member
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
ANA Affiliate Member
American Nurses Association

It’s 0400.
If your team is there,
we’re there.
“Your leaders can’t do it alone…”
~ Wendy Perera | AORN PeriOp Life
Together we can make healthcare organizations a better place to work!
PH Work Environment Assessment™
- This service is for departments facing various challenges, including frequent leadership or team member turnover, low satisfaction scores from physicians, staff, or patients, access to care and throughput issues, noncompliance, failing to meet strategic goals, and not achieving key performance indicators (KPIs).
- Identifies areas of opportunity and strength in our five core values of a positive work culture; support for a healthy work environment, implementation of patient safety practice standards, presence of psychological safety and sense of belonging, recognition and mutual respect, knowledge-sharing and innovation
- Organization-wide, department, and service line assessments
- Assessment complete with recommendations to elevate your work environment
- Optionally, kick-start or fully implement recommendations
- Make your health care organization a best place to work…for all healthcare team members
OpenDoor PRN™ Leadership Support
- Stop the cycle of revolving door leadership. Provide resources and support for your leadership team that you wish someone provided for you. Give them a better start and a fighting chance at success and succession
- On-demand leadership partner: part consultant, part interim, part leadership development coach and mentor
- Available when and how you need us; days, evening, night, weekends, holidays
- OpenDoor PRN™ Nurse Leader support designed for today’s overburdened nurse leaders; from charge RN to CNO, and every nurse leader in between
- OpenDoor PRN™ Clinical Leadership support for non clinical healthcare leaders
- Designed to reduce leadership burden by identifying ways to reduce emails and meetings, while improving communication with direct care teams
- Designed to reduce financial burden associated with traditional contract consultants
- Let us help you keep on track with your 1:1 leadership communication. Helpful when you have vacancies, new roles, projects, or stretch assignments
- Magnet journey assistance, or energizing existing programs
- Available when you are just having one of those days, weeks, months… years
- A simple, trusty way for healthcare team members to anonymously post ‘what needs improving in the work environment’ using their mobile phone, tablet, or computer
- Anonymous messaging that removes bias and barriers to trust when observing an issue in the workplace and suggesting a potential solution; widely-sharing these observations and suggestions results in faster resolution
- Continuous, real-time, in-the-moment, always ready communication tool; designed to reduce front line team member workload, reduce leadership burden, and improve retention for all healthcare team members
- Team member-identified work environment issues and solutions
- In the spirit of Magnet-oriented thinking, both problem identification and suggested solutions come from direct care nurses and interprofessional team members at the moment of observation
- Front-line team members at the decision-making table around the clock, including evenings, nights, weekends, on-call and holidays
- Eventual means to speech-enable posting issues and suggestions to reduce documentation burden
- Eventual means to auto-populate work order systems and other time-sucking activities
- Eventual healthcare team member and AI collaboration on issue detection, recognition, identification, and resolution
- Eventual validation and verification with AI-annotated photos
- It’s as simple as, but more advanced than, well, sticky notes… and way better than emails!

Speaking and Presentations
- Available for small to large group presentations on a number of topics related to healthier, safer, happier workplaces
Board of Director Roles
Tech Advisory SME Support
Wendy's experience includes world-class healthcare organizations
What people are saying…
“I appreciate how supportive you are. Also appreciate your suggestions that I would not have thought of on my own. They helped.”
– RN Manager | Coaching Client
By far this has been the most comprehensive and thorough assessment, I have ever seen from any consultant I have worked with.”
Great Presentation!”
Very motivational!”
Great information. Felt empowered to set boundaries and not feel guilty in doing so.”
Okay, you can come into my room [OR]. I am tired of so-called efficiency experts, calling themselves consultants, trying to tell me how to do my job.”
… We think the higher ups heard our needs because you communicated it to them. We had faster resolution of issues or at least an update on what is being done about it.”
Together we can create healthier, safer, happier places to work…for all healthcare team members
improve the lives of those WHO carE for Your patients.
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